So we get about half way back, avoiding mud holes and rogue branches until, sure enough, I get smacked with a branch in the face (it was dark after all.) Not bad, but it left a scar which has almost since healed. But it all turned well. We get her in the ambulance, give her some laughing gas and get going. I leave an hour and a half later than I was supposed to.

The next morning I go back to work my own shift. A couple of hours into the day an officer for Orland stops by and asks if it's okay to have a kid come by to check out the firehouse with his grandfather. The officer assured us we'd get a kick out of it. I ask "what, is it the mayor's son or something?" He says, "oh no, this is better!"
So the kid and his grandfather get there and we are introduced. Turns out that, as it shows above, this was Jenny McCarthy's son, Evan. Jenny's mother lives locally and this was her step-father that brought the kid in. She was up in the city speaking for an autism cause, which she has been doing since her son was diagnosed about 3 years ago. He did not seem afflicted at all. More like a usual five year old, shy and quiet. Before they left, Evan got his picture taken with me and a co-worker in front of the fire truck. I don't think I'll be getting a copy, but it was nice little brush with fame.
Wow. That poor woman. She had every right to whine- ouch! (but that sounded like a stupid thing they were doing. someone was bound to get hurt)Good for you guys for carrying her for a mile! That must have been tough! At first I thought you were going to say that the little boy was her son come to thank you. i thought the pic was of her and her son. lol.
Yes, that sounds foolish to be swinging from a rope above a gorge. I doubt she'll do that again. Poor thing! I hope she's feeling better!! :(
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