So you might be asking your collective selves "What the hell is this about?!"
Well, for some reason or another, my father and his family (myself included) were invited to the inauguration of Bill Clinton's second term in Washington D.C. It was sweet! We were in the lawn at his acceptance speech in front of the capitol building, then later on got to an after party at the Air and Space museum. He had to make the rounds of course, so he only stopped by for a brief time. He went directly onto stage, spoke for a bit, then directly off, so not too much meet and mingle stuff. I got all dressed up for nothing (unless memory unsurprisingly fails me, I wore a tux that night.) But I put all that in the past when none other than REO Speedwagon entertained us for hour on end! By the end of their set the crowd was cheering and they left on a high note. Throughout the show the lead singer/guitarist was throwing guitar picks out into the crowd (that's their emblem is on the guitar pick, btw.) I managed to push some old lady over and grab two of them. I think that's what happened....... Anyway, this one is the only one I can find. I foolishly let a friend of mine use it for a short while until it snapped at the bottom, and I have no idea where the other is. Maybe if I cleaned more often..........
Now, why Spider-Man you ask? Because Wolverine is a Republican. Duh!
Wow! How did he get invited to that? That must have been amazing!
I have one of two theories...
1) He's had meetings and dealings with Jesse Jackson Jr., son of Jesse Jackso. My parents were kinda like activists for Hispanic rights and citizenship. Then they got old and tired.
2) As I've been told, he assisted in saving a man's life on a plane once. I guess the guy was having heart attack and whether my dad assisted CPR or used the shock pack I'm not totally clear on.
He's not even a paramedic! So rest assured if someone besides me has an issue on the way to or from San Diego, I'm all over it!
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